Thursday, October 27, 2011

Business class travel at economy cost

I cant bring myself to pay for Business class airline seats. I had a friend who flew first class to Hong Kong and got seat 1A and hated it (you cant get any closer to the front!).

Sure economy class can be a bit cramped - but I have come to the conclusion that if I start in the right frame on mind and I am on a direct flight - I don't care...

So the solution is not to be hurried in going to the airport and enjoy yourself while there. Arrange to meet friends there and turn it into a social occasion or indulge in the luxury of airport lounges to feel like you are at a resort.

If you are not a member to your airlines lounge program, many airports have pay per use lounges.

For example in Hong Kong, the Plaza premium lounge has been my little Oasis on several occasions. The package that includes use of the shower and a massage seems expensive at first look, but its worth it(about $70). This is far cheaper than business class airfare! Tell them Graham Bell sent you and they might even give you a voucher for a free drink! (Also at Beijing, Guangzhou, Hyderabad, Johore, Kuala Lumpur, Muscat, New Delhi, Shanghai, Singapore, Toronto and Vancouver).

Oasis at the Airport!
To get more ideas on doing business in Asia -click here - to visit Business Travel to China BLOG

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

why do small businesses use a consultant?

Many small business owners try to do everything themselves, this is not only unrealistic but can limit the growth of the business.

There are three main types of consultants that small businesses use;

1. Strategy consultants... these people concentrate on getting all the great ideas from your head, mixed with some expert and advise and and some reality of the world to help you work out WHAT TO DO NEXT. This is especially importrant for a rapidly growing business as often you can be busy fighting fires rather than staying focused on the long term so that decisions you make today, will be relevant tomorrow.

2. Implementation consultants help you ACTUALLY DO IT. They need specific expertise and experience in a related area and can really help with the diverse range of things a business owner must manage. This sometimes the "doctor syndrome" or a feeling of inadequacy that you can't do it yourself can creep in. In really its about getting the job done.

3. Systems consultants similar to strategy consultants are more focused on tomorrow rather than today; but rather than dealing with the dynamics of the business, concentrate on streamlining the day to day running. You can make the business more "scalable" by working on systems that maintain quality and allow to manage the business as it grows.

In an ideal world you would use outside people for all of these tasks to ensure you get the best expertise.

To get further help on your business, contact Graham Bell at Bell Management Consultants P/L on +61 0418 832 220 or Email

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rushing into a business relationship is like marrying someone you don’t know

Rushing into a business relationship is like marrying someone you don’t know – If you don’t plan to stay together long – it doesn’t matter... if you are looking for a partner with similar tastes and views – look around to find the right one.

The dangers of low engagement transactions. Business transactions rely on trust to a large degree; “trust has several connotations.[1] The typical definition of trust[2] follows the general intuition about trust and contains such elements as:

  • the willingness of one party (trustor) to be vulnerable to the actions of another party (trustee);
  • reasonable expectation (confidence) of the trustor that the trustee will behave in a way beneficial to the trustor;
  • risk of harm to the trustor if the trustee will not behave accordingly; and
  • the absence of trustor's enforcement or control over actions performed by the trustee.”


One of the most significant trends in International trade over the last 20 years has been the speed of transactions. As an old-timer – I remember placing orders with suppliers by Air Mail letter and Telex machine. The time taken just to get an order in place and make payment was often 3-4 weeks. Now with the advent of global sourcing sites such as Alibaba etc, people are looking to complete all aspects of a transaction in minutes. This has advantages but also some serious drawbacks especially when dealing with China as this represents a major cultural shift.

Some of my fondest memories of China are extended business meetings that flowed on to extended meals and sometimes even Karaoke – when I was on trips to meet with new clients. The idea of meeting with, understanding the philosophy of , and building a solid basis for communication was paramount. This made resolving disputes so much easier after meeting someone as you had some idea how they were going to react. In short you felt you knew whether you could trust them.

It was not always possible to meet every one that you are going to do business with but it is still possible to build a relationship. For new exporters/importers, I suggest working on a “relationship development model”.

For example, an Importer may look at a system like this;

Step 1, send an general email to the company asking about their range of products and whether they already have any local distributors.

Step 2, Ask about the cost of samples for two or three of their products.

Step 3 Once you have the samples ask about packaging, shipment port and warranties.

Once you have this information, then ask about pricing etc.

The idea of this process is that if at any time you feel that you do not get the level of service you expect: consider ending the relationship. The other advantage of slowing down the process is that is gives you chance to look at the value proposition (quality, service, suitability etc) rather than just price.

Governments world wide are reducing red tape and regulations to small business – this is a good thing but it also means that the barriers to entry of new business have never been lower. This coupled with “Gen y” people now going into business means that the values of these newcomers may be different to yours. Some product sourcing and auction sites encourage new starters but some of their clients do not consider customer service to be important and are more interested in turning a quick buck. For many of them it is only a part time income – so if it does not work out after a year or so – they will just shut it down.

Rather than you go from this article feeling that the writer is a grumpy old man, I would like you to consider that the temptation to stray away from your core product focus can lead you into a world of low involvement transactions that just may not be fun!

On a positive note, the many facets of web 2.0 and social media provide the new opportunities for high levels of engagement. Explore, engage, - ENJOY!

Further reading at;

Depth Perception,

Engagement Understanding It, Measuring It, Achieving It

Passive and active social media high and low engagement

Written by Graham Bell of Bell Management Consultants

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Board or Advisory Panel… what’s right for YOU?

Many small and medium businesses fail to get input into their management.

Having a management "board" of some form makes real sense. It is difficult - if not impossible to keep an eye on everything. Even if the skill set is within the company - a board can be a great catalyst for making things happen in a logical process while adding accountability and equity to management.

In the worst cases, the idea of a board is rejected due to ego or internal political reasons.

Often the most common reason for not setting up a board is from not knowing about the process as it is not really the type of thing that Accountants or Lawyers help with - or is it?

Find out about the latest trends and opportunities for improvements at a workshop presented by Family Business Australia. On Monday 24 October 2011 at 6.15 Adelaide

More details - click here